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MiningWatch Portugal


As an evaluation of the first 200 case studies listed by the end of 2023, MINOB offers in-depth reports on the six major focus areas of MINOB and around the environmental and socio-economic conflicts and impacts associated with extractivism:


Minería y derechos sociales en la península ibérica

Mining and social rights in the Iberian Peninsula

Spanish PDF (English and Portuguese available soon)

Minería y derechos laborales en la península ibérica

Mining and labour rights in the Iberian Peninsula

Spanish PDF (English and Portuguese available soon)

Minería, corrupción y mala gobernanza en la península ibérica

Mining, corruption and bad governance in the Iberian Peninsula

Spanish PDF (English and Portuguese available soon)

Minería e infracciones ambientales en la península ibérica

Mining and environmental infringements in the Iberian Peninsula

Spanish PDF (English and Portuguese available soon)

Minería y financiación pública en la península ibérica

Mining and public finance in the Iberian Peninsula

Spanish PDF (English and Portuguese available soon)