The Iberian Mining Observatory (MINOB) is an environmental citizenship initiative launched with the support of the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda by the Centro de Saberes para a Sustentabilidade, a Regional Centre for Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development officially recognised by the United Nations University.
MINOB is a tool available to social actors with an interest in extractive industries and the documentation and future prevention of its impacts. It establishes a monitoring and early warning system to detect, map and report infringements and bad practices. It aims to facilitate the exercise and defence of environmental rights, mitigating existing asymmetries and contributing to reversing biodiversity loss through the sustainable use of natural resources (SDGs 6, 9, 11 and 15). The Iberian scope of the initiative is based on the recognition of the potential transboundary impact of emerging projects.
This site has been funded as part of the project 'Strengthening environmental citizenship in the face of the impacts of mining' under the Grants for activities related to the promotion and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Spain granted by the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda to the Montescola Foundation.
MINOB presents geo-referenced observations of infringements of social and environmental rights. Existing evidence on each case is compiled in a standardised and systematically searchable database that is permanently updated and with duly referenced information. The database can offer a relevant contribution to the inspection and control functions of public administrations and security forces as well as to a better understanding of mining by political institutions, the media, NGOs, social movements and affected local communities.
MINOB articulates its work through a participatory platform made up of different civil society actors and is permanently open to the participation of new entities.
Participating entities contribute to MINOB by:
Whenever possible, reported violations should be referenced through sources (such as information published in newspapers, scientific publications, administrative documents, etc.) and include photographs or videos. Each reported case will be reviewed and verified by the entities participating in MINOB, activating in cases not yet reported judicially or administratively the early warning system to bring the facts to the attention of the corresponding judicial, administrative or police authorities.
Currently the following entities participate in MINOB:
MINOB is supported by Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee made up of experts in the fields relevant to the understanding of the social and environmental impacts of mining (hydrology, engineering, chemistry, biology, law, archaeology, etc.). The Committee's role is: a) to review published cases to identify potential errors, clarify aspects and suggest sources, seeking rigour and quality in the information that is made available; b) to identify new potential cases based on published or ongoing research; c) to provide technical advice to communities affected by cases documented by MINOB.
Members of the Committee